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Showcase Panel Symposium: Looking Back and Looking Ahead at Research on Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact

  • 1.  Showcase Panel Symposium: Looking Back and Looking Ahead at Research on Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact

    Posted 08-01-2024 09:11

    Date: Sunday, August 11, 2024

    Time: 11:00-12:30 CT (GMT-5)

    Sponsors: OMT, SIM, PNP

    Location: Fairmont Embassy Room

    Please join us for our symposium, which aims to provide a space for panelists and attendees to critically reflect on the advancements in research over the past few decades and to discuss the future frontiers of research in social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact. Each of our four panelists will present opening statements about their recent work and share their thoughts on where they think the field is going. This will be followed by a moderated conversation and a Q&A session.


    Marya Besharov, University of Oxford, UK


    Johanna Mair, Hertie School, Germany, and Stanford University, USA

    Cynthia Rayner, University of Cape Town, South Africa

    Phumlani Nkontwana, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

    Alona Revko, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

    Symposium Abstract: Over the past two decades, research and practice in social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact have transitioned from the margins to the mainstream. Not only have these topics become central to organization and management theory, but they are also now on the agenda in corporate boardrooms and global policy arenas, including the UN, OECD, World Economic Forum, and World Intellectual Property Organization. From addressing climate change to promoting gender and racial equity, social entrepreneurship and innovation are seen as promising approaches for tackling 'grand challenges' and 'wicked problems'. However, are research and practice up for the task? What can the existing scholarship tell us about the future? What questions remain unanswered? This panel symposium will reflect on lessons learned from the past two decades of research on social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact and highlight opportunities and challenges for the future of the field. The discussion will be based, in part, on a Global Innovation Index Special Topic Report evaluating the state of social entrepreneurship globally. We will bring together a unique group of voices, including researchers who have contributed to building the field and those at the field's frontier. By bringing together these scholars, this symposium will provide an opportunity to learn about the state of social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact in 2024, hear concerns from researchers and practitioners, and inspire future scholarship in both unexplored and high-interest subfields.

    We hope you will join us, and please feel free to reach out to the organizer at Kevin.Miner.DPHIL@said.oxford.edu.

    Kevin Miner
    University of Oxford