
Message from the Division Chair



Michelle Westermann-Behaylo

University of Amsterdam Business School

Dear SIM Members,

I hope this message finds you well and thriving in your scholarly pursuits. As the 2024-25 SIM chair, I am excited to extend a cordial invitation to each of you to submit your research to the SIM Division for the 2025 AOM annual meeting. It is very exciting that we will meet next July 25-29 in Copenhagen—the first AOM meeting in Europe! This event promises to be an engaging forum where your work on crucial and timely issues can be presented and heard.

Our division has continually set the stage for pioneering discussions on a broad spectrum of topics that resonate deeply within business and society. Your contributions are what make our conference a rich and vibrant platform for exchange and the growth of our field. By presenting your work, you not only contribute to the collective knowledge of our community but also gain invaluable feedback. This is an excellent opportunity to advance discussion on the vital roles and responsibilities that define our field and to highlight innovative research that can guide future practices and policy.

Please consider submitting your PDW proposals, symposia and scholarly papers to SIM by the deadline of January 7th, 2025. Detailed information on submission guidelines and conference specifics can be found under the AOM 2025 tab on the SIM website. I particularly want to thank Rajat Panwar, SIM’s Program Chair, and Punit Arora, SIM’s PDW Chair, who will be managing the respective submission, review and acceptance processes for SIM.  We are all eager to see how your research is pushing the boundaries of our understanding and application of the critical topics within SIM’s domain.

Additonally, I particularly encourage you all to sign up to review for SIM in the 2025 AOM Annual Meeting Reviewer Center, and when you do, to pay particular attention to the 5 (or more) keywords you select.  This will allow Rajat to match your review assignments closely with your interests and expertise. In this way, reviewing not only provides a valuable and appreciated service to your fellow SIMians, but gives you insight into the cutting edge research being developed in your area of expertise.

Let us come together in Copenhagen to share insights and foster a community that is both reflective and forward-thinking. Thank you for your continued engagement and contributions to SIM. We look forward to your submissions and to another inspiring conference.

Warm regards,

Michelle Westermann-Behaylo

SIM Division Chair, 2024-2025

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Rajat Panwar

Oregon State University USA

Dear SIM Colleagues

It is an incredible honor and privilege to serve as your Program Chair this year — a role I approach with both humility and excitement.

SIM scholarship has never been more essential. The challenges making headlines today — rising geopolitical tensions, blurred boundaries between governments and corporations, misinformation, polarization, biodiversity loss, climate change, and widening social inequalities—are precisely the issues we have long been studying. We are a community of scholars who have long recognized that these are not abstract problems; they deeply shape the fabric of our organizations, communities, and ecosystems. As these challenges grow more acute, with humanity standing at the precipice of an existential crisis, the intellectual leadership and ethical compass that SIM scholars are known for has become not just relevant but imperative—for academia in general, and for management academia in particular.

Your work is not only addressing these pressing challenges but is also fostering a new generation of equally committed scholars. Whether you focus on ethical decision-making, moral development, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder engagement, sustainable development, environmental management, social entrepreneurship, corporate governance, or corporate political strategy, your steadfast commitment to rigorous and relevant scholarship is inspiring others to join the field. This regenerative effect is evident in the increasing number of doctoral students entering SIM scholarship, especially in parts of the world where it has historically been less prominent. Their energy, passion, lived experiences, and talent are making our community more vibrant, robust, and globally impactful.

My task this year is much simpler than yours. While you shoulder the responsibility of advancing impactful research, I am here simply to channel it through the conference management system — with your support. Please help me help you by being a true SIM reviewer: willing, constructive, and timely.

Thank you for your dedication to SIM scholarship and for affording me the opportunity to serve you. Along with the SIM Executive Team, I look forward to celebrating your work and the collective achievements of our Division in Copenhagen.


Rajat Panwar

SIM Division Program Chair

Professor of Responsible and Sustainable Business

Oregon State University USA

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