
Message from the Division Chair


Cristina Neesham

Newcastle University (UK)



Dear SIMians,


As we are moving further and further away from the strange memories of pandemic lockdowns, I am looking forward with great excitement to our next yearly reunion, amidst the revived hustle and bustle of downtown Chicago. Brace up for a week full of great sessions and social events in August, with 28 degrees Celsius daytime maximum temperatures in the shade and an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day! So we know what we are missing while running between the many attractive sessions lined up in this year’s SIM programme…


As in all previous years, none of this would have been possible without the many volunteers who have generously given their time to contribute to the programme in many different ways. On behalf of the SIM Leadership Team and myself personally, I am forever grateful to the many reviewers and 60+ associate editors who have evaluated all submissions in record time. Heartfelt thanks also go to Akwasi Opoku-Dakwa and Sarah Ku for organizing the Doctoral Consortium, and to Harry Van Buren for stepping in at short notice to generously share his experience in assessing the submissions. Jason Pattit and Sana Chiu – thank you so much for the great job done in co-organising the Junior Faculty Consortium with the ONE colleagues! More thanks to Sarah Stephen for expertly coordinating the webinars on best reviewing practices (January) and paper development (May) for SIM members worldwide! And further thanks to Jae Hwan Lee, David Skandera, Daniel Alonso-Martinez and Susan Cooper for managing all SIM communications, keeping members informed, maintaining the website, and ensuring the division’s institutional memory is not fading!


Of course, I can never be grateful enough for the invaluable contribution of SIM Leadership Team members – Rajat Panwar for managing the PDW program, Erica Steckler for chairing and designing the Paper and Symposia program (and for her unmatched energy in coordinating hundreds of reviews, finalizing decisions, and putting the program sessions together), Michelle Westerman-Behaylo for overseeing the work of SIM’s many Awards Committees and supporting me closely as Division Chair-Elect, and Colin Higgins for leading the Nominations processes and sharing his considerable experience (as Past Division Chair) whenever it was needed. Thank you also Punit Arora, for supporting SIM’s scholarship and fee waiver program, as well as the traditional SIM-SBE events – in a nutshell, for all your service as SIM treasurer! It is a great pleasure to work with such a dedicated and generous team of colleagues, and I am humbled by the opportunity to share so many valuable projects with such exemplary academic citizens.

In anticipation of the festival of scholarship that will take place in less than two months’ time, I invite you to preview the soon-to-be-released SIM Program with its many paper sessions, symposia, PDWs, and special events such as the traditional research development workshop, the speed networking, the doctoral consortium, the junior faculty consortium, the business meeting (with Awards announcements) and the social – all great opportunities to meet again and to welcome new colleagues in our warm SIM home. In premiere this year – NEW session allowing Awards finalists the opportunity to present their work in an unrushed schedule, prior to the business meeting on Monday 12 August!


Please note – SIM is offering (again) a limited number of scholarships to help offset the cost of conference registration. Information about the criteria for eligibility and the application process are included in the next section of this Newsletter.


I wish you the very best as the current semester (or term) is drawing to a close – and I can’t wait to see you all in Chicago and give you a big hug!


Cristina Neesham

SIM Division Chair, 2023-24


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  • There's not long to go until our next Integrity Talk Webinar! Tuesday 24 th September 2024, 3pm ...

  • We are hiring a Postdoc for a research project on the governance of grand societal challenges: https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities/postdoc-position-research-project-on-governance-of-grand-societal-challenges ...

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Erica Steckler

University of Massachusetts Lowell


Dear SIM Members,

Greetings in warm celebration of June’s arrival! It’s already that promising “AOM is almost here!” time of year.

On behalf of the Division’s officers, committees, and generous volunteers, we look forward to gathering with the SIM community at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Building on our Member contributions, the 2024 Program includes timely professional development workshops (PDWs), paper sessions, symposia, and events that serve as important research, career development, and networking resources for SIMians and others. We are proud for this year’s Program to represent the tradition of important, impactful, and inclusive scholarship that is very much at the heart of SIM.

This year most (but not all!) SIM sessions will take place at our Division’s conference “headquarters” – Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. SIM PDWs and consortia occur on Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th. The SIM Scholarly Program of symposia, plenary sessions, and paper sessions is scheduled from Sunday, August 11th through Tuesday, August 13th

For Monday, August 12th, please add the SIM Business Meeting (5:00-6:30pm) and SIM Social (6:30-8:30pm) to your high-priority AOM calendars! Additional SIM highlights on Monday include the following four sessions that spotlight best-in-class scholarship:  Best Student Paper Finalists (9:45-11:15am), Best Ethics Paper Finalists (11:30am-1pm), SIM Best Paper Finalists (1:15-2:45pm), and Best Dissertation & Book Award Finalists (3:00-4:30pm). Once the 2024 Program officially debuts, please check out additional SIM “highlight” and featured sessions.

Kudos to the many SIM members whose submission and reviewing contributions have resulted in an outstanding 2024 Program! Importantly, SIM continues to make explicit our Division’s norm that those submitting to SIM should also be reviewing for SIM.

Speaking of SIM reviewing… A hearty thank you to SIM’s remarkable – record setting! – team of Reviewers and Associate Editors for the 2024 Program. In total, 472 people signed up to review for SIM this year. While this reflects a slight decrease (-4.6%) from SIM’s 495 reviewers in 2023, this year SIM proudly boasts what may be an AOM-wide Division record: a whopping 93.4% review completion rate, with 1,524 paper and symposia review assignments in total! SIM’s 2023 review completion rate was 88.3% with 1,689 total review assignments. On average, SIM submissions this year received at least 3 reviews (3.3).

In sum, SIM’s reviewing metrics are trending strongly in the right direction thanks to the dedicated efforts of SIMians! We recognize and honor all 472 volunteer SIM Reviewers for their expert and constructive feedback to help strengthen peer scholarship submitted to our Division. Special thanks to 65 experienced SIM Reviewers who served as Associate Editors, as well as for a handful of generous and tireless SIM “Emergency Reviewers” who stepped in on very short notice as the reviewing deadline loomed.

SIM Reviewers directly advance the scholarship mission of our Division. – Each and every SIM reviewing effort is deeply appreciated and celebrated. Again, thank you!

Finally, thank you to everyone who submitted to SIM this year! Submissions for 2024 include 403 papers, 71 symposia, and 22 PDWs resulting in 496 submissions in total. SIM 2024 submissions reflect a 6.8% decrease from 2023, when there were 532 total submissions. Looking ahead to AOM 2025, let’s aim for total SIM submissions to be in the 500s again! – Please continue submitting to SIM, and encouraging colleagues working in our field to do so as well.

This year SIM accepted 201 papers (50%), 48 symposia (70%) and 18 PDWs (80%), covering a wide range of topics and levels of analysis, such as: stakeholder activism; corporate political activity; sustainability; corporate social responsibility; business and human rights; social movements; social entrepreneurship and innovation; governance; ethical decision making; inequality; poverty; justice; diversity; green future-making; flourishing; corporate social irresponsibility; organizational wrong doing; stakeholder orientation and engagement; humanistic management; corporate social identity and purpose; responsible organizational leadership; responsible AI; CSR reporting and accountability; ESG ratings; and many more.

Rajat Panwar

2024 PDW Chair

Congratulations to Rajat Panwar for his leadership of the PDW Program this year! 2024 SIM PDWs cover a dynamic range of topics including historical injustice, polycrisis, stakeholder voice, humanistic leadership, and SDGs, among others.

This year’s PDW Program will again offer four SIM-sponsored sessions and consortia, with endless thanks to our wonderful co-organizer teams! We look forward to welcoming robust cohorts of colleagues to the SIM Doctoral Consortium (Sarah Ku and Akwasi Opoku-Dakwa) and SIM/ONE Junior Faculty Consortium (Jason Pattit and Sana Chiu), respectively. SIM Speed-Networking will once again support the expansion and deepening of SIM community connections (Sarah Stephen and Susana Esper), while the SIM Research Development Workshop (Jegoo Lee and Lucas Amaral Lauriano) will facilitate access to SIMian mentoring and feedback on scholarly work.

Finally, it's been a joy and rich learning experience to work alongside SIM leadership team members Colin Higgins, Cristina Neesham, Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, and Rajat Panwar, who daily bring their good energy, innovative ideas and insights, and extreme dedication to the stewardship of the SIM Division.

I’m honored to have had the opportunity to serve as 2024 SIM Program Chair, and eager for the AOM Program in Chicago to spotlight excellent SIMian scholarship. For questions regarding this year’s SIM program, I can be contacted at: simprogram2024@gmail.com.

See you in August for the 2024 SIM Program at AOM!

Warm regards, 

Erica Steckler

2024 SIM Program Chair


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