The SIMian is the triannual newsletter for Social Issues in Management Division - in September, January, and May. In particular, the September issue recaps the AOM Annual Meeting; the January issue informs the calls of papers; and the May issue introduces events in the upcoming AOM Annual Meeting.
The SIMian Team Editors are Jae Hwan Lee (Hamlin Univ), Florian Findler (Vienna Univ of Economics and Business, WU) and Benjamin Alexander (California Polytechnic State Univ)
Please forward any items that you would like included as an attached MS-Word document or as in email texts to The.SIM.Editor (at) In particular, items such as:
• Calls for papers, conferences, workshops, or any events
• Announcements regarding professional initiatives, events, or appointments and relevant items that would be interesting to SIM members are all welcome.
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