Teaching Social Issues in Management courses and topics can be an exciting experience that provides students with an in-depth understanding of themselves and work issues that impact the lives of others. The activities below are available for you to download and use in the classroom or workshops to enrich student learning.
The Class Activity Archives include:
- Aristotle Happiness Survey
- Assessing Ethical and Financial Performance
- Balanced Experiential Inquiry
- Code of Ethics or Core Values Assessment
- Conducting a Values Action
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Core Values Group
- Create a Code of Ethics
- Discussion Ground Rules
- Ethics Awareness Journaling
- Ethics of Capitalism Debate
- ”Framing Self” Report
- Meaningful Work
- Meditation and Stress Reduction
- Microfinancing (Social Entrepreneurship) Awareness
- Moral Development Partners
- Organizational Best Practices Benchmark Survey
- Philanthropy and Volunteerism
- Purpose of Life Essay
- Real Life Ethical Dilemma Discussions
- Recommending my Friend Morgan
- Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria: Where do responsibilities end?
- Sexual Harassment Scenarios
- Work-Life Balance