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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The Ann Buchholtz Mentor Award

  • 1.  CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The Ann Buchholtz Mentor Award

    Posted 04-13-2023 04:54






    In September of 2015, Professor Ann Buchholtz, a stalwart of both the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management and the International Association for Business & Society (IABS), passed away suddenly.  Just a month before, SIM had recognized Ann with the 2015 Sumner Marcus Award, in recognition of her research excellence and her service to the profession. Ann's legacy included not only her research and teaching, but also her extensive service, especially her mentoring of doctoral students and junior faculty members. Both SIM and IABS agreed that a fitting way to honor Ann was to create an award to recognize excellence in mentoring by senior faculty members who are active members of one or both organizations.


    The two organizations have thus created the Ann Buchholtz Mentor Award.  In devising this award, "mentoring" is defined broadly to include such activities as:


    ·      Informally mentoring SIM and IABS doctoral students and junior faculty members.

    ·      Chairing dissertations and/or serving as a dissertation committee member for doctoral students who were members of SIM and/or IABS.

    ·      Coordinating and/or participating in doctoral consortia for SIM and/or IABS.


    The nomination process is simple:  Each nominator is asked to submit a testimonial about the person that he or she is nominating, consisting of no more than 500 words, via email to c.higgins@deakin.edu.au by May 15, 2023.  Please put in the subject headline "Ann Buchholtz Award Nomination." The content of the testimonial is up to the nominator but should include detailed information about the extent of the nominee's mentoring activities. Anyone is free to nominate: former students, fellow faculty members, participants in doctoral consortia, or other members of one or both organizations. A group of individuals may collectively nominate someone, either submitting one joint testimonial or individual testimonials.


    The award committee consists of four people with long-term relationships both with Ann and with both SIM and IABS. The committee will review nominations and make up to two awards in each annual cycle. The awardee(s) will be recognized at the business meetings of both organizations.


    Please contact Colin Higgins at c.higgins@deakin.edu.au with any questions. Thank you for your consideration.


    Colin Higgins

    SIM Division Chair



    Professor Colin Higgins

    Associate Dean: International and Partnerships


    Faculty of Business & Law

    Deakin University

    Melbourne Burwood Campus

    70 Elgar Road, Burwood  VIC  3125 AUSTRALIA

    Tel: +61 3 924 46103

    Email: c.higgins@deakin.edu.au


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