Academy of Management
SIM-ONE Divisions' 2023 Junior Faculty Consortium
"Putting the well-being of people and planet front and center"
The SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium is an annual event that provides an opportunity for early-career faculty members and postdocs who are members of the Social Issues in Management (SIM) and/or Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) divisions to network with senior faculty members, learn and develop their research ideas. We are happy to announce that this year, our event will be held in person in Boston!
We would like to invite applicants to register for the SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium. The event will take place on Friday, August 4th, 2023, from 10 am to 3 pm (Boston time). Save the date!
Under the subject "Putting the well-being of people and planet front and center," and echoing the annual meeting theme "Putting the Worker Front and Center," the consortium will delve into a discussion of how our research and teaching are called on to shape the role of business organizations in providing for the well-being of people and the planet. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to reorient our attention to those who are often marginalized and silenced–including people and the natural environment–as business organizations try to navigate their ways through unprecedented turbulence and complexity.
The following senior faculty members have already agreed to participate in the SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium:
● Bryan William Husted Corregan EGADE Monterrey
● Cynthia Clark Bentley University
● Danielle Warren Rutgers Business School
● David Wasieleski Duquesne University
● Dirk Matten York University
● Ed Freeman University of Virginia
● Frances Bowen Queen Mary University of London
● Hari Bapuji University of Melbourne
● Harry Van Buren University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
● Jean-Pascal Gond Bayes Business School
● Jennifer Howard-Grenville University of Cambridge
● Jill Brown Bentley University
● Katherina Pattit St. Cloud State University
● Mark DesJardine Dartmouth College
● Michelle Greenwood Monash University
● Minna Halme Aalto University
● Natalie Slawinski University of Victoria
● Nicole Darnall Arizona State University
● Oana Branzei Ivey Business School
● Ralph Hamann University of Cape Town
● Sandra Waddock Boston College
Now, all we need is you! We encourage you to apply early because the event is oversubscribed each year. We also invite deans, department chairs, and other senior or junior faculty members to nominate their colleagues. The application process is the following:
● You must be in the first five years of your employment as a faculty member or a postdoctoral position.
● Your application must include a short CV and an extended abstract of a working paper (not more than 5 pages). Please also indicate two preferred senior scholars you would like to discuss your research with. We will do our best to respect your choices.
● Please send your application to Ju Young Lee (, with a copy to Jason Pattit ( by Friday, June 2nd, 2023.
● We have a capacity of 30 participants. We will inform all applicants about the outcome of their application by June 16th, 2023.
● Please note that the SIM and ONE divisions have a limited number of waivers for the conference registration fee of a few SIM or ONE members who do not get their fees reimbursed from their home institution (it is not guaranteed). Indicate in your application if you will request a registration fee waiver and from which division (SIM or ONE) with a confirmation that your home institution does not reimburse the fee and we will inform you of the outcome.
The organizers for this year's consortium are Ju Young Lee (ONE), Amanda Williams (ONE), Christina Bidmon (ONE), Jason Pattit (SIM), and Susana Esper (SIM).
The lead sponsor this year is the ONE Division. Please email any questions and comments to Ju Young Lee at (cc: Amanda Williams,; Christina Bidmon,
We look forward to meeting you in Boston!
Ju Young, Amanda, Christina, Jason, and Susana
Jason Pattit
Associate Professor
University of St. Thomas