A big end-of-week THANK YOU to our wonderful SIM Reviewers! Strong progress to celebrate this week.
!! URGENT REMINDER !! – Please log in to the Reviewer Center https://reviewer.aom.org/ for SIM review assignments. We suspect that spam filters may be trapping SIM/AOM review assignment emails (subject line: “AOM Annual Meeting Review Assignment”).
SIM Reviewing Statistics as of February 8th, end of day:
- Completed: 299 Reviews – Hooray!
- In-Process: 367 Reviews.
- !! NOT YET OPENED !!: 352 Reviews.
In short: Buckle-Up, SIM Friends! With just 1 week to go before the February 15th AOM Reviewing Deadline, 719 reviews (approximately 70% of total “reviewable” SIM submissions) remain.
That’s a lot of reviewing energy in our SIM universe. – We’re totally and gratefully “here for it”!!
SIM Governance Committee
Erica L. Steckler, Ph.D.
Co-Director, Donahue Center for Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
Associate Professor, Department of Management
Manning School of Business
University of Massachusetts Lowell