Registration Open
Virtual 12th International Social Innovation Research Conference 2020,
1st – 3rd September 2020
Sheffield University Management School, Centre for Regional Economic and Enterprise Development
Conference theme: ‘Social innovation and enterprise for more prosperous, fair and sustainable societies’
The International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) is the world’s leading interdisciplinary social innovation research conference. The conference brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss social innovation from varied perspectives. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic ISIRC 2020 will be a virtual conference. It will be hosted by Sheffield University Management School, and the Centre for Regional Economic and Enterprise Development (CREED). ISIRC 2020 will run from the 1st-3rd September 2020. The conference theme is ‘Social innovation and enterprise for more prosperous, fair and sustainable societies’. There will be a minimal registration fee of £30.
Please find below a list of current streams:
- Active Ageing and Social Innovation
- Critical Perspectives on Social Innovation
- Design Thinking & Beyond
- Digital and Technological Social Innovation
- Financing Social Impact
- Hybrid Models and Organizing
- Migrants' economic, social, and political inclusion: what role for social innovation?
- Public Service Provision, Co-production and Co-creation
- Regional and Geographical Aspects of Social Innovation
- Reimagining social innovation through decolonisation
- Resilient Communities and Places: the Role of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Social Impact Measurement: Challenges and Promising Pathways
- Social Innovation & Complexity
- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa
- Social Innovation Education
- Social Innovation in Energy Transitions: Beyond Power Generation
- Social Innovation for Health and Wellbeing
- Sustainability and Social Innovation in a Time of Climate Emergency
- Theoretical & Methodological Futures for Social Innovation
- Towards a Multi-Level Social Innovation Measurement Framework
- Universities as Global Enabling Social Innovation Agents
- Open stream
If you have any questions, please contact us at