Dear fellow SIMians,
We would like to invite you to the first SIM Sandbox Workshop on November 5, 2021. This is a new (hopefully) quarterly workshop series hosted by your fellow SIMians, Kevin Chuah, Bram van der Kroft, and David Skandera. It marries the experience of attending a SIM consortium with that of attending a SIM PDW. Attendees will be able to receive feedback on a research paper that is currently under development and will be asked to review one other attendee's paper. While all SIMians are welcome to attend, this event is designed in particular for SIM scholars in the early stages of their careers (i.e., current PhD students and recent graduates).
Our goals for this SIM Sandbox Workshop are threefold. We hope to (1) offer emerging SIM scholars an opportunity to connect with each other and develop long-lasting relationships; (2) assist in developing a community of SIM thought leaders by taking advantage of the range of expertise in the SIM division; and (3) offer emerging SIM scholars an opportunity to sharpen important skills (e.g., reviewing, presenting) and improve their papers prior to the submission deadline for the upcoming AOM Annual Meeting.
If you are interested in joining the first SIM Sandbox Workshop, you can sign up at the link below (just click on the link and add your information to the Google Sheets document). After signing up, please submit a research paper you would like to receive feedback on and discuss at the event by October 20, 2021 to
Sign-up here:
Below we review important dates to keep in mind and some initial information on what the SIM Sandbox Workshop will entail (more information will be shared when you sign up):
October 20, 2021:
- The deadline to sign up for the first SIM Sandbox Workshop is October 20, 2021 (see above for information on how to sign up).
- Each attendee is encouraged to submit a current SIM-related research paper when they sign up by emailing a Word or PDF document to
- Each paper will then be assigned by the organizers to another attendee for peer review. Each attendee will serve as the primary reviewer for one other submitted paper (you will receive your review assignment by October 25, 2021). Please make sure your review is developmental in nature.
November 3, 2021:
- We ask that reviews are single-spaced, about one page in length, and submitted as a Word or PDF document to by November 3, 2021. Each review will be shared with the author(s) of the respective paper.
November 5, 2021:
- The event will run 3 ½ hours on 5, 2021, from 9:30am EST to 1pm EST.
- On the day of the event, we will begin with a short joint session, followed by splitting up into research topic-based breakout rooms. Depending on the number of attendees, each room will have 3-5 people.
- In the breakout rooms, the process will be as follows: Each attendee has 10 minutes to present their work. Subsequently, the primary reviewer will spend 5 minutes discussing the work. Finally, the full audience has 15 minutes to ask questions and debate the paper (again, the feedback session is supposed to be developmental rather than a pure critique of the research project).
- We conclude by looking to the future with an open discussion about insights gained from the day and an AOM-style social event.
For any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any or all of the organizers at the emails provided below!
Kind regards,
Kevin Chuah
Bram van der Kroft
David Skandera
David Skandera
University of Central Florida
Orlando FL